Thursday, September 29, 2011

Breaking News! Recommended funding increase for Head Start

Wonderful breaking News! Subcommittee Chair Denny Rehberg has recommended funding for Head Start be increased to $8.1 billion for FY2012!... see more

"Getting to a common ground" by Dr. Marvin Hogan

Dr. Hogan has written a great article about Head Start  and early childhood education that I recommend everyone read!  Love this article!
Getting to a common ground about early childhood education: Head Start is a school readiness program"

Deborah Ross, PhD

Thursday, September 15, 2011

To grow the economy, we must pay attention to child poverty

Every day we hear about another economic indicator, another predictor about whether the economy is up or down, in recovery or in decline. But we don't hear about a more pressing indicator of our national health: the poverty status of our children. We don't see the faces of the many children who face tougher odds on the path to adulthood because more and more of them are growing up poor.

For the fourth year in a row, child poverty is up. One in five children--including one in four young children under age 6--lived in a family earning just $60 a day. For the fourth year in a row, well-meaning politicians and thought leaders will wring their hands and bemoan the fact that children, the future of the United States, are living in substandard housing, attending failing schools, lacking books in their homes and communities, and missing out on quality early childhood experiences...

See more at Huffington Post

Poverty Surge in America

The Census Bureau said Tuesday that 46.2 million Americans lived below the official poverty line last year, the highest number in the 52 years the bureau has been tracking poverty, The New York Times reported. Last year alone, 2.6 million people slipped into poverty in the United States and median household incomes fell to levels last seen in 1997.